review game

Review Game


Sherry Lin


TIME: One 50 minute lesson
SKILLS: Reading, speaking, listening
MATERIALS: Worksheet, paper “money”, prize




Create a worksheet containing either vocabulary or grammar points that students have been working on. Depending on the level of your class, create appropriate amount of questions. Usually, around 5 are enough for my lower leveled classes. Some of the examples should be wrong. For example:

  1. Waking up in the morning is very hard. Right
  2. Watched TV, I ate breakfast. Wrong

(optional) Print out currency from your native country. For example, I come from America, so I printed out $100 dollar bills (kids really love to gamble here)

(optional) 2 signs of `correct` and `incorrect` per team

(optional) Prepare a prize that the winning team can take home




Put the students into groups of 4 – 6 people (I’d advise against having more than 8 teams, or else students will easily lose interest while they are waiting their turn).

Explain to the students that they will need to look through the examples and circle the ones they think are wrong (only give them about 1 min/problem, so they don`t have time to get off track).


After the allotted time has passed, start explaining the rules of the game. At the beginning of each round, each team must state:

  1. if the example is correct or incorrect
  2. how much they are willing to bet on their answer


After asking each team individually for their answers, reveal the correct answer – and reward the “money” accordingly. The JTE can help explain the grammar point a bit before moving onto the next round of questions.

(optional) Keeping score of each team on the board helps raise the excitement level of the game

(optional) For lower levels, feel free to record the answer of each team on the board. A lot of students may not remember the material and so they will not participate (this way, they will still be able to participate in the game, and hopefully, re-remember this material along the way). Also, allow them to use their textbooks

(optional) For higher levels, have all teams simultaneously display their answers, so that they cannot just copy their classmates’ answers

(optional) For a special challenge, have students correct the sentence in order to win the bet