bingo with a twist

Review that Lesson! ~ Bingo with a Twist


Hannah Deacon


SKILLS Reading, speaking, listening
TIME Thirty minutes plus
MATERIALS Worksheets
OBJECTIVES To review lessons before a test, to make groups, work together and interact in English & then make it into a game


I used this activity in a lesson when reviewing four lessons before the termly test, but it is flexible and can be used other than just that – you can use this method for whenever you would play bingo normally. It follows the basic bingo format, except it is done in teams and has a slight twist…



  1. Students sit in groups of about 4 & move their desks together.
  2. Give out the bingo grid (one sheet per group) & give them a time limit to fill it out. They can use their textbook/ notes to help.
  3. When students are nearly finished, ask them to come up with a team name. They should write this at the top of their sheet – in English.
  4. Each team should nominate a spokesman – they can decide this by janken.
  5. ALT collects the sheets from every team once they are completed or once the time’s up, and redistributes them to another team. This way, every team has a different group’s sheet and plays bingo with this.
  6. The game begins! Rotating in a clockwise direction (or however is easiest), go round the class so the spokesman from each group in turn stands up & says one of the answers from the bingo grid. They can choose from any square, but it has to be written on the sheet in front of them. Once they have said it & if another team has an identical or similar answer, they mark it off, maybe with a big X in a different colour.
  7. Once a team has four Xs, in any direction on the grid, the group shouts “bingo”, and the team whose name is at the top of the sheet wins. Try and help the students realise that the team who wrote the sheet (as opposed to the ones marking it) will win, if ‘bingo’ is achieved… this makes for more tactical play and the game tends to last a bit longer! Hand out small prizes to the winning group(s).






Bingo! Team Name: _______________


Use your notes. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks in the squares.


Do you share the housework in your family? What do you have for breakfast? What do you usually do every day? What cards do people send?
Yes we do. I usually ____________. I usually eat/ drink _______________. I usually _____________ before school. ___________________.
Yes we do. I usually ______________. I usually eat/ drink _______________. I usually _____________ after school. ___________________.
Yes we do. I usually ______________. I usually eat/ drink _______________. I usually _____________ after dinner l. ___________________.
Yes we do. I usually ______________. I usually eat/ drink _______________. I usually _____________ before going to bed. _____________________.